مشاهدة قناة بي ان سبورت BeIN Sports 6 HD بث مباشر بدون تقطيع

It is clear that ISIS organization its most extremist more than any terrorist organizations and aims to achieve the succession is a common goal among many of the extremist Islamic organizations, including Al Qaeda and nusra front. In this context, one of the most important factors that led to the emergence of extremist ideology is the weakness and inability of the central authority in the Arab state in general, Syria, Iraq and Yemen in particular. Provided the conditions for the spread and expansion of radical Islamist groups on the one hand, and the association of the internal conflict with the dimensions, doctrinal and sectarian points of view that formed a social incubator for these groups on the other hand. It is known that the social culture, especially in the Arab countries, is a Bedouin culture inherited from the pre-Islamic era and backward in its content, resistant to change and development, facing modernity with disdain and sanctify bloody violence and link it with originality and masculinity and courage and honor … When the Cold War ended in favor of the West, the Soviet Union fell, and communist rule fell in Afghanistan, America abandoned these terrorist movements to exhaust its role. Therefore, when the Afghans returned to their country, they practiced their profession against their governments and their people in spreading terrorism.
There is no doubt that America made terrible mistakes against the peoples of the Third World during this era. كورة لايف بث مباشر claim that they answer everything and they have solutions for all problems. There is a link between extremism and the culture of the inherited Muslim peoples and despotic regimes that have provided fertile ground for the growth of religious extremism. Internal factors include inherited culture, education, the living crisis and authoritarian governments while the external factors are related to the cold war. Therefore, these terrorist organizations are the product of the oppressive Arab governments and the secretions of the Cold War. The war must continue until they are eliminated and all the swamps of terrorism are dried up. Thus, it collects information that reaches to them and helps them to create a new identity in the manner they want. At that point, communism was the greatest threat to the interests of the West. This has already happened in the Middle East. 2- Islamic teachings themselves, hostile to non-Islamic ideas and treated as alien ideas hostile to Islam, and this position has many historical roots.
3- The role of governments in the spread of political Islam: The oppressive governments in the Arab and Islamic countries helped the growth of “moderate” Islamist movements with the intention of continuing to acquire power as a result of selfishness and shortsightedness and took these movements as a tool to confront secular democratic movements in order to remain in power unrivaled. They also allowed the Islamists to spread their ideas and work freely. The erroneous policies adopted by many international and regional powers in The Middle East also supported the spread of these ideas and produced terrorism. The sense of deprivation increases the feeling of resentment and envy of a society where the gap between the rich and the needy widens. While secular intellectuals and democrats were imprisoned, tortured, tortured, executed, exiled and charged with infidelity and atheism. Analysts also often associate extremism with poverty. الأسطورة لبث المباريات لمشاهدة اهم مباريات اليوم بدون تقطيع livehd7 يقدم موقع الأسطورة لبث المباريات فئة خاصة لأخبار كرة القدم العالمية لمتابعة مباريات وأخبار فريقك الأوروبي المفضل في الدوريات الخمس الكبرى على livehd7 لمتابعة برشلونة اخبار تشيلسي وليفربول واخبار حصرية لريال مدريد وبايرن ميونخ ومختلف الاندية الاوروبية فضلا عن فئة اخري لكرة القدم العربية وكل ما يتعلق بالأندية العربية على الأسطورة لبث المباريات الدوري المغربي واخبار الدوري المصري ومتابعة الزمالك و الأهلي اليوم من خلال موقع الأسطورة لبث المباريات و الرجاء والوداد وسوق الانتقالات في الميركاتو وكل ما يتعلق بالاندية العربية ومشاركتها في البطولات القارية على موقع livehd7 اون لاين وكذلك بلس ليغ الاهلي السعودي الدوري، النصر والاتحاد وكل سحرة الجولة الجديدة للوطن العربي بتغطية خاصة على الأسطورة لبث المباريات بث مباشر لمشاهدة مباريات اليوم الأسطورة لبث المباريات مجانا بدون انقطاع على قنوات beIN الرياضية والقنوات السعودية الرياضية وقناة اون تايم سبورت المصرية.
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